時(shí)間:2019-9-6 14:29:53 作者:雅信博文翻譯
我公司為第15屆省運動(dòng)會(huì )提供翻譯 - 體育強則中國強,國運興則體育興!
一直以來(lái),體育都是社會(huì )發(fā)展和人類(lèi)進(jìn)步的重要標志,它是綜合國力和社會(huì )文明程度的重要體現。黨的十八大以來(lái),以習近平同志為核心的黨中央高度重視體育工作。
If sports are strong,
Sports have always been an important symbol of social development and human progress. It is an important embodiment of comprehensive national strength and social civilization level. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Central Committee of CPC with President Xi Jinping as its core has attached great importance to the sports work.
2018年9月8日,以“全民健身,激情圓夢(mèng)”為主題的河北省第十五屆運動(dòng)會(huì )在石家莊市裕彤國際體育中心拉開(kāi)大幕。本屆運動(dòng)會(huì )是四年來(lái)我省群眾體育發(fā)展成就、競技體育青少年后備力量培養成果的集中展現,這場(chǎng)集結了近2萬(wàn)名運動(dòng)員和64000名群眾參賽的體育賽事,成為了我省籌辦的規模最大、影響深遠的大型綜合性體育盛會(huì )。
On September 8, 2018, the 15th Games of Hebei Province was held in Yutong International Sports Center, Shijiazhuang with the theme of "Fitness for all, realizing dreams with passion". This sports meeting is a concentrated presentation of mass sports development achievements and the cultivation achievements of youths’ competitive sports reserve strength in Hebei Province in the recent four years. This sports event, which gathers nearly 20,000 athletes and 64,000 sports amateurs to participate, has become the largest, far-reaching-influence, large-scale and comprehensive sports event organized in Hebei Province.
對于本屆省運會(huì ),河北省委、省政府給予了前所未有的重視,省委常委會(huì )專(zhuān)題聽(tīng)取省體育局籌辦省運會(huì )的專(zhuān)題工作匯報,省政府常務(wù)會(huì )專(zhuān)題研究省運會(huì )籌辦工作。省委書(shū)記王東峰多次作出重要批示,并明確提出“要辦一屆節儉、安全、綠色、精彩的運動(dòng)會(huì )”,省長(cháng)許勤多次對會(huì )徽會(huì )歌、吉祥物等設計修改提出明確指示和具體要求,副省長(cháng)徐建培多次親臨比賽場(chǎng)館,考察組織籌備情況。
Hebei provincial Party committee and provincial government have attached an unprecedented importance to this sports meeting. The standing committee of the provincial Party committee heard the special report of Hebei Provincial Bureau of Sports on the preparation of provincial games. Wang Dongfeng, Secretary of provincial Party committee, made important instructions and clearly put forward "to hold a frugal, safe, green and wonderful sports meeting". Xu Qin, Governor of Hebei provincial government, gave clear instructions and proposed specific requirements for the modification of games emblem, anthem, mascot and other designs. Xu Jianpei, Vice Governor, visited the competition venues and inspected the organization and preparation of the games for multiple times.